Big Girls Small Kitchen
Sep 16th
Episodes » Episode 44: Cara's Carrot CupcakesWelcome to part 2 of our collaboration with Big Girls Small Kitchen. In today's kitchen we team up with Cara, the other 1/2 of the BGSK duo to make a dessert to compliment our Fishballs from last week.
Both Daniel and I are huge carrot cake fans, so you can imagine our delight when Cara suggested we make them in cupcake form for our episode together. Usually I think desserts are a lot harder to make then savory dishes (a lot less room for error) but I felt that this recipe was surpringly easy. The simplicity comes across in the video as well, I dont know if we've ever produced such a chill, slow paced episode. I kinda love it!
Tags: cupcakes, carrot cake, carrot cupcakes, dessert, big girls small kitchenSep 9th
Episodes » Episode 43: Phoebe's Fish Balls!Welcome to the first of two episodes we shot with the lovely ladies from Big Girls Small Kitchen (did you miss the adorable promo? See it here!). We put together two episodes with these gals because each has a specialty. Phoebe, today's guest star, focuses her talents on savory dishes while Cara, who you'll meet next week, is the dessert guru. Both equally as yummy and equally as deserving of their own episode!
The dish on today's episdoe is a fusion of our two styles: Economical gourmet! Also - it has a funny name: fish meatballs! Fish balls! HAHAH! See, told you!
-1 box spaghetti, cooked to package direcions
-2 shallots, chopped
-2 cloves garlic, minced
-3 slices white bread, crusts removed
-1/2 cup parsley leaves
-1 lb firm white fish (ex: tilapia, cod), coursely chopped
-2 eggs, beaten
-1 tsp salt
-pinch of cayenne pepper
Spicy Red Pepper Sauce
-1 small yellow onion, chopped
-1 red pepper, chopped
-1 Tbsp paprika
-pinch cayenne
-2 cloves garlic, minced
-1/2 tsp salt
-1 28 oz. can tomatoes
Sep 1st
Blog » A Very Special Cross OverAttention! Attention! Today we're officially announcing our very exciting collaboration with Big Girls Small Kitchen, another New York based food blog created by two 20 somethings with the hopes of bringing you great recipes! Check out the promo below to see what kind of treats you've got coming your way!
Tags: collaborations, big girls small kitchen